Sunday, August 5, 2018

homeschooling tips 101 - exercise

12pm -3pm August 4/5 2018 published 3:20 pm
This lesson applies to you regardless of whether you are homeschooling or not.  even if your kids go to school, believe it or not but you are still homeschooling because EVERYTHING you do. and i mean everything you do..every decision you make no matter what it is.. its teaching them something about life and the order of life.  you are teaching them by your very existence!!

Every thing you do in life, its a learning  and teaching opportunity, from going to the store, paying your house bills, dealing with neighbora or work politics, to scheduling out your life and making dinner to staying in shape and healthy for yourself.

i was about to begin this post with the words "every chance you get" or "every opportunity you get" do it with your family but then i quickly realized thats an inaccurate phrasing  bc its not "every chance/opporunity you get" .. its "every thing you do IS AN OPPORTUNITY to teach and sharw with your kids something that will help them in their own lives.
everything you does give you a chance to be with your kids and to teach them.
everything you do, every decision you ake IS teaching your kids whether you intended to that or not.
it happened.
so make that lesson be that they actually ARE your highest priority in life. dont just say it.. actually SHOW it

and one of the simplest steps is to share your thoughts and activites WITH your children!


I am sorry but i truly find it the most absolute ludicrous thing ever that parents go and exercise without their kids! 
i hear "oh its my time to myself"  i am sorry but you know what you really can actually take that time to yourself with them.  okay its harder if you have a ton of kids i agree but its still possible!

i have heard the excuse "the gym doesnt allow kids" well go to a different gym. in fact get out of the gym and take those kids to a park!!  dont just depend on their school or friends or someone else like their coach to make sure they are exercerising. FIND a way to get your exercise done in such a way that your kids CAN join you.

same with the idea of oh they are too young to joing your team or any reason why you have for excluding your kids. FIND a different activity that DOES include your kids

Remember, even if you dont get alomg with your kids, you are your kids role models? 

If you are claiming that your kids are your highest priority, show it in your actions.  your actions reflect what is really your priority.

remember your time that your kids are young is extremely limited and YOU HAVE a CHOICE.

you have a choice of what you want to value more and of what you want to make your priority..  you get to choose if its your family or other people that matter more to you.

ok but what if your kid doent want to participate or join you?  hmm so that tells me that you just havent found the right activity yet and that you need to take the time to do some more listening.
maybr they need something simple like just going on a walk with you or if you are lucky enouhh to have acess to a game of ping pong or putput with or racquet ball to encourage more chitchatting.
but if they wont even budge from their couch to go with you then curl up next to the couch with them and actualy take thr time to listen and keep on listening and encouraging both you and then to keep coming up with ideas until something works.
keep staying persistent bc eventually you will find a creative way to exercise togther even if its just a walk at an arboretum or turning on the music and dancing. 

i believe in CAN find a way of connecting to your kids so they will feel comfortable enough to share their thoughts with you and participate in excercise with you.

really and truly make it your priority and it will happen.  
in the end, whether your kids are in school or not, you are still doing a form of homeschooling no matter what .. bc in the end what homeschooling is is teaching by your connections to them.

if you are NOT connecting even that in itself is a lesson.

so find a way. make your famiky (that includes your partner even your ex partner) your highest priority.  try to do as many activities as you can together as a family (and if your are divorced do everything you can to heal your relarionship wirh your ex so that you fan find a way to include then so you can show the message to your kids that harmony and compassion and conflict transformations are doable) and that family matters!

so.FIND A WAY to EXERCISE WITH YOUR FAMILY as a whole!  its doable, it possible, MAKE IT HAPPEN!  make it a success!

originally Published on 8/5/18 2:34 PM, kiddo age 13

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