Sunday, August 5, 2018

homeschooling tips 101 - the Key

August 4/5 2018 9 to 11 am  11:28am 1st published

how do you homeschool?

what is homeschoooling actually about:

its about listening to your child!

its really as simple as that.

taking the time to sit down or lay down next to your child for hours at a time to encourage letting them talk to you about what they are thinking about, what they are processing, to hear their questtions and give them alternative perspectives, to ask them questions, to hear their answers

okay so you response is "i dont have time to do that"

my response at first is "bullshit".  though in truth i know exactly what you are talking about.

but see here is the thing.
instead of watching a show together, sit down together and talk.

you schedule in everything else.  also schedule in time to talk with your family as a family..  family meetings. 
maybe its at dinner time.  maybe once a month instead of going to some other event
its all about priorities.  are those other events your priority or is your family your priority?

at the very least, each WEEK. each day if you could but lets be realistic... so each WEEK sit down with each member of your family individually. though i will be frank if you really want a close knit family where you kids or spouse will actually value what you have to say, its better to do thia each day.. where you out aside something else to stop and listen to the other person.
sacrifice the tv shows or the news to listen to your child, your spouse or partner, your family instead.

dont try to do it all
and make listening to them your highest priority!

also instead of going out somewhere and doing things seperately,
do it togther WITH them...
this will give you more opprotunity to share their minds with them and have them bbe more inclined to want to listen to your own thoughts and ideas.
but remember again, the emphasis is to hear their minds and help inspire them to think about your perspective you want them consider... but dont limit them to.your thoughts..

listen to other peoples ideas with them and then discuss those ideas with them

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