Monday, July 12, 2010

monday july 12 , 2010: airplanes,aita,orgami,socialdinner,trampoline,transpiration

update jun 2018
below is A random documentation of a random day of time in the life of Eagle's Homeschooling Journey.
The documentation below was from the day he first went to the Origami club when he was only five years old. though in actuality if you count paper airplanes as origami, he actually had been doing and designing his own Orgami since he was only three years old.  at 3, someone had given one of those calendars where you do or make somethign each day. at age 3, in less then 10 days he had made nearly every single airplane in that little calendar book and within two weeks from beginning had moved on to making and designing his own paper airplanes. 

The above reason was only one of MANY reasons why we wanted to make sure kiddo had the freedom to homeschool and learn whatever he mind eagerly wanted to learn and to create and design as much as his little heart desired.

ORIGINALLY POSTED 7/12/10 10:50pm pacific time woke 1pm ( as our schedule even from the beginning has been about six hours off different from everyone elses)
Kiddo: AGE 5

afternoon filled with crafts, hand eye coordination, imagination and teaching house upkeep: 
made _ airplanes
mommy and aita did laundry, bathroom, put away tent gear, clean inside of tent
aita plays airplane with eagle until Daddy gets home

5:30 evening social time with the outside world
origami club first time
made 3 origami: basic bird, flapping wing bird, crane
met Dave Hey, and had dinner with him after club at little big's
during dinner, Dave made a mini flying horse (pegasus), penguin,

eagle jumped on minitrampoline long time,
played lost/found kittycat

watched utube vids on plant transpiration and the plant story

summary of skills worked on:
social, hand-eye coordination, finemotor maniputions, crafts, social outlet, imaginative play, cardiovascular exercise, science-biology, not much math but still a little in applied form, 
worked on alphabet letters.

Health/Food: mommy has shake around 9am,
eagle and mommy split big bowl of cereal , and shared watermelon later
mommy has half of a leftover bubba burger
dinner, eagle has shake, fries, and bites of the beaf and bean burger
daddy: meditarean for lunch, beaf and pulled pork sliders, beer
eagle also has crackers w/avacado, rasberry jam, and cheddar cheese

health note: mommy has circulation/nerve problems in hands and legs -- better outside, hand and legs super cold although later in afternoon when air conditioner off and house was 86, mommy and aita's temp = 99.4-99.6 while eagle = 98.6

Back to June 5, 2018 thoughts:
If you homeschool, or even if you just have kids, this is the kind of documentation you should make, but especially as a homeschooling family, where it is even more important to document each day what kind of skills are learned each day.  For homeschooling purposes, to prove you are caring about the child's education: You should include what kind of skills/education/interactive activities you did that day/week..  everything you do all day can be thought of from a "what are we learning right then?" or "what life skill are we working on?" or "what applied learning are we doing right now?" sort of philosophy

I thought I had made many more entries in my own email but apparently I did not.  Every year, though it is something I keep telling myself that we need to do more of, i apparently still only do it sporadically, though now hopefully we will do a better job with your encouragment by blogging on here and vloggin on youtube: check out to see list of our vlogs....

but hopefully you will keep better written records yourself, for health reasons, keeping track of what you ate and your health
and for your child, keeping up to date of what skills were worked on each day or each week.
not only useful for the docs, should you health falter and you need to know how your health was leading up to that moment, but also should you ever be questioned by cps or any other agency or any other official who wants to know how well you are raising your child up.

may you never have to deal with that, but just in case..
each day or week, record : main activities, people met, basic notes of diet, and overall health and wellbeing of your family. 
i guarantee, if you have this habit, it may one day be something you were very grateful you had been doing.

if you appreciate the insights into the days of our life and appreciate us wanting you to feel connected to us, if you could create an even deep connection to us on or  we would ever so appreciate it.  or you could just subscribe and follow along here or on one of our youtube channels.  and say hi, you were here!.. :D

originally published on 07/13/2010 12:50am  
Published on 7/13/10 12:50 AM
updated: June 5, 2018 and again on Sept 02, 2020

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