Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Some myths i learned about while homeschooling

1) what the scientists say is developmentally possible - take with a grain of salt.
And remember all studies and results are usually on a bell curve!
And that your child is unique and in some areas might be at the bottom of the curve,but in other areas might exceed the bell curve
And to never limit your childs abilities bc some curve said the avg was such and such!!!

Oh, and just because children under three do not use verbal words, does not mean they cannot comprehend. 
Start using sigm language around them and also start watching for how rhey are trying to communicate with their bodylanguage and you will realize tbat thwy have an incredible knowledge about the world around them.
Noted its kind of like playing a game of charades nonstop for a few years but the wxcitment and glee in their eyes when you correctly figured out what they are saying and they feel heard and understood by you is well worh the incredible amounts of patience it takes sometikes to give them so 100% of your attention when you are feeling impatient  and wanting to just go do whatever task is pulling your attention away.

Take the time to listen to your kids every single time they want you to listen to them and you will be astounded by how much their brains  are actually processinga and understanding with insighta you couldnt have even comceived of or imagined were possible!!

Feb 2020 10:26am

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